Retreat * Day-Treat * Christmas Tea * Spring Tea

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Life in the Unsettled:    Crossing the Jordan - Joshua 3

4 Workshops: 50 minutes



Life in the Unsettled: Crossing the Jordan - Joshua               

 2-3 Workshops:  45 -55 minutes



Christmas Tea

Advent Attitude:                        Philippians 4                   


Spring Tea

Meet Me at the Fence:                Psalm 40   

Doing life together: God & Girlfriends               


A Place of Abundance:                Psalm 66:12            

When difficult circumstances bring difficult questions – we can take these questions to God.


The Invite – Finding Jesus:        1 John 4:10             

Sharing Jesus with our friends


Parent Workshop

Creative Clues for Discipline:    Proverbs 6:20-23  


A man saw a woman at the park with 5 children all under the age of 8.  He asked, “Are these all yours or are you on some kind of a picnic?”  She replied, “These are all mine and I can assure is no picnic!”  

Sometimes, parenting is “no picnic.”  Through a humorous & example-filled seminar, we'll learn simple, hands-on techniques for helping us with the young ones in our life. We’ll look at Proverbs 6:20-23 & The Three R's:  Respect (teach), Redirect (watch over), and Restore (talk).  

Kelly is the founder & director of Shining Light Preschool since 1999. As a single mom, raising two young children, there were many days she felt like she didn’t have a clue - but she did try to enjoy the picnic.